When asked “ What's one skill you have that makes you unique?” Coeyn responded with, “I am a pretty good speaker. Not good enough to win competitive speech and debate, but just good enough that people listen to what I have to say. Sometimes they care, sometimes they don’t, but they always usually listen”. One goal outside of school that Coeyn is working on is trying to meet new people and grow his network so that when he gets back from the navy he will have a lot of connections to help him with his future goals. He also states, “It is always good to be two steps ahead". Coeyn would say that his greatest strength academically is History and Social Studies. Explaining how these “have always been my favorite subjects and that’s good because you can’t be a leader of the future if you don’t know the leaders of the past. Determined, Kind, Lucky! Coeyn thus explains how he wishes high schoolers would get more involved in their communities. Stating “I wish there were more opportunities for teenagers and young adults to be involved in government. I also wish we had a political club or party organization in the parish that gets teens involved”. He also adds that “I have big ears so I overhear a lot and pick up on conversations, and sometimes I’ll hear something that I know is untrue or something that I’d like to fact check, so I’ll research it in the case I am ever involved in a similar conversation. I like to be prepared for a rumble (verbally of course)!” Some things that Coeyn enjoys to do in his free time is fishing, and says how he is trying to get into hunting, and watching podcasts and documentaries and listening to music. Hr also enjoys going to meetings for the school board and city councils. And in his words “writing speeches that never get to give! Keep my skills sharp!!!”. When asked if he has ever volunteered for his community he explains that he “volunteered for the Vermilion Parish Teen Court a few years ago, and that opened a lot of doors for me. I volunteer in Abbeville a lot because we don’t really have many community service opportunities or events in Kaplan”. Coeyn states that the hardest part of high school was finding his people. Explaining how a lot of people point towards academics, but he believes that the most difficult (but important) part of High School is the formative part that helps you figure out who you are, what you value, and WHO values you. Coeyn has been an FFA Member for four years, BETA member for two years, Cross Country for two years, and he has helped out any clubs that needed him. He is the American Legion Louisiana Boy’s State Governor, has won Essay contests with the American Legion, and has also been a part of the Literary Rally Association and the Student Council since Freshman year as well. Stating “I don’t think I’m forgetting anything, but it is a possibility!”

KHS 2024-2025 Student of the Year: Coeyn Wise
January 27, 2025