The teacher chosen for the title “Teacher of the Year” was Mrs. Eva Lange. Mrs. Eva has been a teacher for 29 years, where 25 of those years have been at Kaplan High. Surprisingly, she graduated from E. Broussard High School where she was in the last graduating class before consolidation. She teaches a collective group of subjects including: 10th grade Biology, 12th grade Biology II, and 12th grade DE Biology. One of Mrs. Eva’s favorite thing about being a teacher is the sense of family that everyone has on campus. She admires the willingness of everyone going out to help each other, and the motive of students wanting to learn which “makes my job so much easier.” Mrs. Eva was inspired to be a teacher from being the oldest grandchild and having to help her younger cousins with school work, and helping her grandmother Ruby and her Aunt Grace. Besides being an amazing teacher at Kaplan, Mrs. Eva also values her time as being the head Beta Club sponsor, which she has been for 23 years, and being the Softball support person, which she has been for 15 years. One of her favorite quotes is from Mr. Benjamin Franklin, “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”

KHS 2024-2025 Teacher of the Year: Mrs. Eva Lange
January 27, 2025