September Dates 2023
- Friday, September 1-- students may pay $1 for jeans or appropriate length athletic shorts with a spirit shirt or uniform shirt. Jeans cannot be distressed. Shorts MUST follow VPSB policy regarding the length (Length must not exceed six inches above the floor when in a kneeling position nor two inches below the top of the knee when in a standing position.)
- Monday, September 4th-- NO School due to Labor Day
- Tuesday, September 5th-- Open House 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm
- September 13-- Fall Pictures. Students wear uniforms. Spring pictures will be out of uniform.
· Looking Ahead! Monday, September 4th-- NO School due to Labor Day
Week of September 4-September 8, 2023
· Friday, September 8-- students may pay $1 for jeans or appropriate length athletic shorts with a spirit shirt or uniform shirt. Jeans cannot be distressed. Shorts MUST follow VPSB policy regarding the length (Length must not exceed six inches above the floor when in a kneeling position nor two inches below the top of the knee when in a standing position.)
Week of September 11-September 15, 2023
· Wednesday, September 13-- Progress Reports Wednesday,
· Friday, September 15-- students may pay $1 for jeans or appropriate length athletic shorts with a spirit shirt or uniform shirt. Jeans cannot be distressed. Shorts MUST follow VPSB policy regarding the length (Length must not exceed six inches above the floor when in a kneeling position nor two inches below the top of the knee when in a standing position.)
Week of September 18-September 22, 2023
· Friday, September 22-- students may pay $1 for jeans or appropriate length athletic shorts with a spirit shirt or uniform shirt. Jeans cannot be distressed. Shorts MUST follow VPSB policy regarding the length (Length must not exceed six inches above the floor when in a kneeling position nor two inches below the top of the knee when in a standing position.)
· Friday, September 22 AHS Homecoming-- Early dismissal time TBA Friday,
Week of September 25-September 29, 2023
· September 29-- students may pay $1 for jeans or appropriate length athletic shorts with a spirit shirt or uniform shirt. Jeans cannot be distressed. Shorts MUST follow VPSB policy regarding the length (Length must not exceed six inches above the floor when in a kneeling position nor two inches below the top of the knee when in a standing position.)