November 30th and December News 

-Wednesday, November 30– Progress Reports go home
-Wednesday, November 30– Information about car raffle sales will go home today. This is a huge fundraiser for SWE. Please help in any way you can.

-Monday, December 5– Virtual Learning Day. Students in grades k, 1, 2 and 3 do not report to school. Students will be learning from home virtually. Students in Pre-k, 4 and 5 will report to school.
-Wednesday, December 14- Dibels testing for grades K-3
-Friday, December 23– SWE Christmas Program at 9:30 am. Family and friends will enter and exit through the gym. If parents wish to check out students they will need to report to the front of the school via the exterior sidewalk.
-Friday, December 23- Early dismissal at 11:45 am. Car riders will dismiss at 11:30 am. Bus riders will dismiss at approximately 11:45 am.

-Saturday, December 24- Monday, January 9, 2023- Christmas Break. Students will return to school on Tuesday, January 10, 2023.